"Dark, gritty and not remotely glamorous, but a gripping film," says hotel publicist Meg Lamb Nesterov of New York. Frequent traveler Bob Rumerman of New York says, "It's as scary in its own way as Psycho or The Shining." Ocean's Eleven ...
[6:19] Osnacantab bNesterov/b: I'm I hearing through Skype? [6:19] Dudeney Ge: Stand up now if you like [6:20] Hoser Rhode: There is no sound in the skypecast right now [6:20] luapscott Ah: I had to restart it to hear it [6:20] Elderbob Beaumont: Which did you restrart ... [6:41] Digi Forager: is Lukas working with you to establsh training for the Swiss bhotel/b industry [6:43] venny Suen is Offline [6:43] Elderbob Beaumont: Venny was you that just called me on the phone. ...